DiMAX DiMAXX Wireless Navigator Throttle for NMRA DCC and LGB MTS type III standards
The DiMAX Navigator supports both wired and wirless communication with central stations via
- US approved wirelss communicaiton (requires a receiver)
- Cabled bi-directional communication
Exclusive Features (no other manufacture's product have these features)
- Battery operations via 3 AA standard batteries or rechargable batteries
- Battery recharging via the supplied 20' cable when plugged into the 800Z central station
- Full backlighting for night operations of the LCD and all other controls
- Bi-directional communication so the voltage and current in the central station is alwasy visable
- Bi-directional communication for programming decoders - even while wireless!
- Over 300 foot range - However, our tests indicate over 900 foot range is possible for garden railways
- Graphical LCD display featuring over 100 loco types
DiMAX Navigator
Now you can enjoy the never ending liberty ofcontrolling your model railroad utilizing the DiMAX Navigator. This wireless hand held control offers a variety of enhanced features no other remote control offers. You control your locomotive and send a switch command at the same time.
No limits
The DiMAX navigator is available with wireless RC. The wireless system is working bidirectional on FM and it is fail-safe. You may roam freely in or around your layout. You may recharge your batteries by using the bus cable.
The range is approximately 100 ft in buildings and 300 ft outdoors for the European standards. The US standard model shows at least double this range.
The DiMAX navigator is one of the few hand held controllers on the market that feature a white background lighting of the display. This ensures a safe operation in all possible lighting conditions. The background light may be switched off to safe energy. The dial type throttle is illuminated too in various colors depending on the operation. In addition the stop keys are illuminated if triggered.
Ergonomic design
The housing is ergonomically designed with the weight being perfectly balanced. The symmetric design serves both left and right hand control.
High resolution graphic display
The large crystal display with its white backlight shows the exact operating situation of your locomotives as well as your layout. More than 100 locomotive pictures are stored. Every locomotive is displayed with a real picture on the LCD screen and you may name your locomotives individually. This enables you to distinguish between locomotives of the same type. The display also shows the state of the 16 functions of your locomotive, light symbol, the driving direction and the speed as a numeric value and as a progressive bar
List of properties:
- 10239 locomotive addresses
- 14, 28, and 128 speed steps
- Functions F1 to F16 + light function (as key)
- Locomotive pictures of all commonly used models in G-Scale (all LGB models integrated)
- locomotive name (alphanumeric)
- parallel and serial data processing
- two operation modes at the same time: 2x locomotive driving mode or 1x locomotive driving mode + 1x switch control mode or switch routes,...
- easy to use control menu
- programmable STOP keys
- 16 x 4-fold consist operation
- 16 switch routes with 15 switches each
- 2048 switch addresses
- 2048 feedback addresses
- 32 automatic functions for driving and switching
- System display ( e.g. current amperage)
- Blocking function (mode with limited functions, e.g. as a child protection)
The DiMAX Navigator supports all common programming procedures. The programming procedures depends on the DCC system used.
- CV programming ( direct and indirect )
- CV reading
- register programming
- POM Program on Main (program on the main driving track)
- locomotive address programming (direct input of the desired address)
The DiMAX Navigator is designed to be used with a cable connection or wireless and it is compatibel to the LGB© MTS III system. If you use the DiMAX Navigator with the LGB© MTS III system the DiMAX Navigator can only perform within the limited capabilities of the LGB© MTS III system.
XpressNet and LocoNet©
The DiMAX Navigator may be used with digital central stations working with the protocol of XpressNet or *LocoNet© (*available only in Europe due to Digitrax© license restrictions). The for this purpose required wireless DiMAX Multi Receiver will be available shortly.
Current Firmware
The current firmware version V1.4 supports the operation of the DiMAX Navigator with DiMAX central stations and the LGB MTS III system..
Massoth Item No.: 8134701 DiMAX Wireless Navigator (wireless US band, cable operation possible)
The Navigator Throttle includes:
- US frequency Transmitter Throttle with full control lighting
- 20' bus cord for connecting to central station
- Instructions
- Factory box to hold all items
For fastest delivery we stock all Massoth products that we import from Massoth Germany and ship direct to you - factory sealed

Massoth - DiMAX 800Z 8 amp MTS/DCC central station, Navigator Wireless Bidirectional Throttle, DiMAX RC Receiver.
Set up is super easy, just plug in the power supply, connect the supplied 20' cable between the DiMAX and the receiver, hook up your track, put 3 AA batteries (you can recharge them in the throttle) and you are running. Our power supply is adjustable so your won't melt your 18 volt smoke stacks or coach lamps, you don't need as meter as the DiMAX shows your the voltage of the power supply as well as the amperage going to the track. The DiMAX remembers all your loco pictures, names, addressed, that throttle is assigned to what loco and all the switch track routes on your railroad. NO PROGRAMMING is required to run your trains! |